Where the smart Library patrons go in North Gower!

BiblioCommons Features Series

The recently returned cart can be full of surprises!

Once you’ve passed by the unique wall murals at the North Gower Branch of the Ottawa Public LIbrary, and entered, there is plenty to see and do!

“Smart” patrons of the North Gower Branch know that there are books, and DVDs, and magazines and music, but they also know about:

  • the gently used cart–books and magazines are for sale, with all proceeds going to the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library (which then come back to North Gower as funding for equipment or special projects)


  • the Recently Returned cart—this is where books and movies and other materials have just been returned to the Library by other patrons, and have yet to be shelved. It can be full of delightful surprises!

Be sure to look at the Express Reads shelf, the Just Arrived shelf, right next door, and then the special subject display of the month, right next to the books to be picked up area.

On the third set of stacks is staffer Louise’s display of the Author of the Month.

Finally, on the display area behind the service desk is the North Gower Artist of the Month—always something interesting and marvellous.

This website is maintained by volunteers with Friends of the North Gower Library.

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